Escaped matrix

Our world is composed of several matrices. They are the religious, political, economic matrix and some others. On this channel I intend to address some events that push us towards the illusions of the world.
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Dilma president of BRICS earning 500 thousand dollars a year

Last Friday, March 24, 2023, Dilma Roussef was elected president of the Brics bank.

And that reminds me of the destruction it caused at the BNDES. Also, let’s remember a little of her past, her trajectory in the political scene and in light of these facts, we will outline her actions in the future.

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Don't trust politicians!!! Congressman Nicolas Ferreira demonstrating his stupidity.

E ae pessoal beleza com vocês!? No video de hoje, o primeiro do canal vamos explorar um pouco das falas do Nicolas Ferreira e comportamento do deputado mais bem votado em Minas Gerais. Fique conosco e acompanhe o quão idiota são nossos politicos.

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