Escaped matrix

Our world is composed of several matrices. They are the religious, political, economic matrix and some others. On this channel I intend to address some events that push us towards the illusions of the world.

About us

Our world is composed of several matrices. Among them we have the religious matrix, politics, economics, relationships, media and several others.

With this blog and channel I intend to address some events in our daily lives that push us towards the illusions of the world.

The inspiration to create this blog and the channel was because of reading Plato’s book - The republica, Book VII where he tells us through the dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon the Myth of the Cave. I recommend everyone to read this myth, source of inspiration, to create this content.

Given this myth, the production of the Matrix film, released in 1999, took place, where the main character, Neo, is called to go through the hero’s journey and in this he ends up knowing the world as it truly is without illusions, soon becoming an enlightened person or in terms of the internet a “redpillado”.

With this I intend to guide all readers and listeners, in my own way of course, about what I believe to be an illusion created to keep us “trapped in the cave”, making an allusion to the Myth of the Cave. Follow this journey with us and let’s get to know some paths and what really matters to you.

Remembering that I need you to be critical and to know that I am not the owner of the truth.

Be welcome.