Escaped matrix

Our world is composed of several matrices. They are the religious, political, economic matrix and some others. On this channel I intend to address some events that push us towards the illusions of the world.
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Dilma president of BRICS earning 500 thousand dollars a year

Last Friday, March 24, 2023, Dilma Roussef was elected president of the Brics bank.

And that reminds me of the destruction it caused at the BNDES. Also, let’s remember a little of her past, her trajectory in the political scene and in light of these facts, we will outline her actions in the future.

Continuing our analysis, Dilma was president of Brazil in the years 2011 until mid-2016 when she was impeached because of her unpreparedness and several cases of corruption that will be discussed later.

But before being elected president her resume is full of strange things.

To begin with, she became interested in socialism during her youth. Soon after the military period she joined the armed struggle of the left belonging to the groups: Marxist Revolutionary Organization - Worker Policy (Polop); National Liberation Command (Hill); and finally in the Vanguarda Armada Revolucionaria - Palmares.

For those who don’t know, the armed struggle was nothing more than terrorist activities against Brazilian society. Since she indirectly participated in a robbery committed by members of the Vanguarda Armada group. They even stole 2.5 million dollars from a traditional politician in São Paulo. Remembering that the armed struggle to which Dilma belonged did not aim to return to the democratic order prior to the military coup, but rather to carry out a socialist revolution in Brazil, inspired by the Chinese Revolution and the Cuban Revolution.

After her revolutionary acts, Dilma was arrested at age 22 and after 02 years in prison she was released and moved to Porto Alegre where she rebuilt her life by entering the course of Economic Sciences. In 1980 she joined the Democratic Labor Party as a parliamentary advisor. Dilma became secretary of the Treasury of the city of Porto Alegre; director-general of the Chamber of Councillors; President of the Foundation for Economics and Statistics; and State Secretary for Energy, Mines and Communication.

In 2001, Dilma joined the PT participating in the government transition team preparing actions for the inauguration of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the presidency. On January 1, 2003, she took over the Ministry of Mines and Energy and in 2005, she took over the head of the Civil House due to the fall of José Dirceu, a PT politician involved with the monthly allowance and stayed in office until 2010 when she left the Civil House to dedicate his candidacy for the presidency.

Elected in 2011, Dilma decided to continue the Lula government’s program that promised to reduce poverty through income distribution. In the economy, she didn’t surf the same wave as Lula thanks to the world scenario and her first term was modest.

To make matters worse, in the second government from 2015 to mid-2016, the economic and political scenario left by her was similar to chaos. The mess and mismanagement begins with his team of economists with dubious thoughts, Guido Mantega and Arno Augustin.

Still riding the wave of her predecessor, Lula, Dilma was free to do whatever she wanted with the state machine. Freedom and irresponsibility generated actions of insanity that we will highlight below.

  1. Primary deficit

Throughout Dilma’s term, the Union’s primary result (national treasury, central bank and social security) progressively deteriorated to such an extent that the government was forced to resort to all kinds of accounting trickery. In 2016, the federal government had a deficit of BRL 154 billion in cash, which corresponds to 2.4% of the Brazilian GDP

  1. Inflation

Dilma forced the Central Bank to cut the interest rate with the stroke of a pen. Adding this to the increase in expenses, the result is Inflation reaching 10.67% in 2015. The same is being done by current President Lula in 2023.

  1. Tax Fraud

The trickery of the Dilma government was so great that, in a desperate attempt, it delayed transfers to the states to hide the country’s fiscal situation. In the understanding of the TCU, this maneuver characterized a credit operation between state-owned banks and the federal government, something prohibited by the fiscal responsibility law. Yes fraud.

  1. BNDES

Dilma and her team believed that their socialist policy should be driven by the government and not the free market and used subsidized credit from state banks. With that, she managed to indebt the state for more than R$ 416 billion by transferring money to the BNDES. With that, the friends of the “king” made loans with interest of 2.5% while you, a small business owner, paid the real interest at the time. The cost of this party is estimated at R$323 billion by the year 2060 financed by you taxpayers.

  1. Recession

After all these insanities Dilma brought us a unique recession for the country. Investment fell more than 24%, a GDP contraction of 4% in 2015 and 3% in 2016.

Today the legacy left by Dilma, Bolsonaro and Lula places us at the bottom of the world growth ranking

After all this political madness, came the impeachment of the president. The impeachment was based on her ineffectiveness in solving the problems of the economy provoked by herself; the inability to resolve the political crisis due to the monthly allowance and the car wash; the crime of fiscal responsibility; the removal of PT and PMDB members leaving Dilma isolated; the legacy of the world cup where there were several cases of corruption; BNDES scandals and popular demonstrations culminated in the overthrow scenario.

After giving all this historical and political context, let’s really get into it. After the Bolsonaro era, the PT returns to power in the 2022 elections through President Lula.

The PT summit, to ensure that Dilma doesn’t get caught up in the “coupled” bag here in Brazil, decides to present her with the position of president of the Brics central bank. This gift was made official on March 24, 2023, where Dilma will remain in office until July 2025.

Briefly, the Brics bank is responsible for financing infrastructure and development projects in the countries that are part of the institution, namely Russia, Brazil, China, India and South Africa, especially China. That’s why it reminded me of the BNDES case, but on a much larger scale. Entering China and it is important to contextualize them so as not to leave loose ends, China is expanding and is executing the political-economic plan called the new silk road.

This plan aims to control the logistics sector and the distribution of manufactured products around the world. Currently, China, through private companies but which everyone knows is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, bought the port of Piraeus in Greece, which is considered the main gateway for Asian products in Europe. This same company has a stake in the port of Hamburg in Germany. And another Chinese government company owns the Israeli port of Haifa.

Here in Brazil, through the Governor of São Paulo and the federal government, China won a stake in the port of Santos, which has a code listed on the Stock Exchange with ticket STBP3.

Some might say that this Chinese plan is just economic policy. But it is clearly a demonstration of strength and monopolization of world logistics. China is ruling the seas just as it already controls industrial production. All countries are hostages of the Chinese government after executing this plan. Making an analogy to the game of chess, it is correct to say that the pieces have been moved and China is about to strangle powerful nations. Because it is through the ports it will have military and diplomatic control of these regions.

But you might be asking yourself, isn’t this happening now and isn’t it because of Lula’s election? In fact, China has been buying ports for a long time and in the previous government, the president of the Brics bank was Mr. Marcos Troyjo, appointed by Bolsonaro in 2020. During this period, this gentleman favored the Chinese Government at all times, including the sale of the port of Santos.

Now in the Lula era and with Dilma as president of the Brics and puppet of the left, the tendency is for this money to be used for corruption, favoring not only Brazilian politicians but all others who are and will be doing business with the Chinese empire. Here in Brazil, the main means of negotiation is through the LIDE of former São Paulo governor João Doria.

Of course, all of these are assumptions given the history of our Brazilian politicians and the impeccable curriculum of Dilma Rousseff and the PT, but I leave a question to the listeners and readers: Is Dilma going to use this money to eradicate poverty in the Brics?

And of course I couldn’t miss my point of indignation. In just one year, the former Var Palmares activist will receive 2.6 million reais. It’s almost half a million dollars. Now multiply that value until the end of the term in 2025…

Yeah…. 1 million dollars to be quiet and not get the PT bag in Brazil. Or an award for services rendered to the companion.

And you Brazilian sweating to pay the bills, spending 4 hours on public transport dreaming of one day retiring. Politicians, through their tax, and the help of some, are already free and absolved of any guilt.

Ending this video, I would like you to reflect on the exposition I made of former President Dilma and our political scenario. It is sad to say this but it seems that in Brazil crime pays.